29 March 2021, 05:02
a wasm way of life
After a number of weeks getting to grips with the basics of Rust and some of the syntax I'm going to explore how we can use Rust code with JavaScript via Web Assembly.
Wikipedia gives a great description of the rules of Conway's Game of Life:
The universe of the Game of Life is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead,
or "populated" or "unpopulated". Every cell interacts with its eight neighbours, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:
Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
The initial pattern constitutes the seed of the system. The first generation is created by applying the above rules simultaneously to every cell in the seed—births and deaths occur simultaneously, and the discrete moment at which this happens is sometimes called a tick (in other words, each generation is a pure function of the preceding one). The rules continue to be applied repeatedly to create further generations.
Consider the following initial universe:
Initial Universe
We can calculate the next generation by considering each cell. The top left cell is dead. Rule (4) is the only transition rule that applies to dead cells. However, because the top left cell does not have exactly three live neighbors, the transition rule does not apply, and it remains dead in the next generation. The same goes for every other cell in the first row as well.
Things get interesting when we consider the top live cell, in the second row, third column. For live cells, any of the first three rules potentially applies. In this cell's case, it has only one live neighbor, and therefore rule (1) applies: this cell will die in the next generation. The same fate awaits the bottom live cell.
The middle live cell has two live neighbors: the top and bottom live cells. This means that rule (2) applies, and it remains live in the next generation.
The final interesting cases are the dead cells just to the left and right of the middle live cell. The three live cells are all neighbors both of these cells, which means that rule (4) applies, and these cells will become alive in the next generation.
Before we dive in, we have some design choices to consider.
Infinite Universe
The Game of Life is played in an infinite universe, but we do not have infinite memory and compute power. Working around this rather annoying limitation usually comes in one of three flavors:
Keep track of which subset of the universe has interesting things happening, and expand this region as needed. In the worst case, this expansion is unbounded and the implementation will get slower and slower and eventually run out of memory.
Create a fixed-size universe, where cells on the edges have fewer neighbors than cells in the middle. The downside with this approach is that infinite patterns, like gliders, that reach the end of the universe are snuffed out.
Create a fixed-size, periodic universe, where cells on the edges have neighbors that wrap around to the other side of the universe. Because neighbors wrap around the edges of the universe, gliders can keep running forever.
We will implement the third option.
Interfacing Rust and JavaScript
JavaScript's garbage-collected heap — where Objects, Arrays, and DOM nodes are allocated — is distinct from WebAssembly's linear memory space, where our Rust values live.JavaScript can read and write to the WebAssembly linear memory space, but only as an ArrayBuffer of scalar values (u8, i32, f64, etc...). WebAssembly functions also take and return scalar values. These are the building blocks from which all WebAssembly and JavaScript communication is constituted.
defines a common understanding of how to work with compound structures across this boundary. It involves boxing Rust structures, and wrapping the pointer in a JavaScript class forj usability, or indexing into a table of JavaScript objects from Rust. wasm_bindgen
is very convenient, but it does not remove the need to consider our data representation, and what values and structures are passed across this boundary. Instead, think of it as a tool for implementing the interface design you choose.
When designing an interface between WebAssembly and JavaScript, we want to optimize for the following properties:
Minimizing copying into and out of the WebAssembly linear memory. Unnecessary copies impose unnecessary overhead.
Minimizing serializing and deserializing. Similar to copies, serializing and deserializing also imposes overhead, and often imposes copying as well. If we can pass opaque handles to a data structure — instead of serializing it on one side, copying it into some known location in the WebAssembly linear memory, and deserializing on the other side — we can often reduce a lot of overhead.
helps us define and work with opaque handles to JavaScript Objects or boxed Rust structures.
As a general rule of thumb, a good JavaScript <--> WebAssembly interface design is often one where large, long-lived data structures are implemented as Rust types that live in the WebAssembly linear memory, and are exposed to JavaScript as opaque handles. JavaScript calls exported WebAssembly functions that take these opaque handles, transform their data, perform heavy computations, query the data, and ultimately return a small, copy-able result. By only returning the small result of the computation, we avoid copying and/or serializing everything back and forth between the JavaScript garbage-collected heap and the WebAssembly linear memory.
We don't want to copy the whole universe into and out of the WebAssembly linear memory on every tick. We do not want to allocate objects for every cell in the universe, nor do we want to impose a cross-boundary call to read and write each cell.
Where does this leave us? We can represent the universe as a flat array that lives in the WebAssembly linear memory, and has a byte for each cell. 0 is a dead cell and 1 is a live cell.
Here is what a 4 by 4 universe looks like in memory:
|0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|11|12|13|14|15|
To find the array index of the cell at a given row and column in the universe, we can use this formula:
index(row, column, universe) = row * width(universe) + column
We have several ways of exposing the universe's cells to JavaScript. To begin, we will implement std::fmt::Display
for Universe, which we can use to generate a Rust String of the cells rendered as text characters. This Rust String is then copied from the WebAssembly linear memory into a JavaScript String in the JavaScript's garbage-collected heap, and is then displayed by setting HTML textContent.
Another viable design alternative would be for Rust to return a list of every cell that changed states after each tick, instead of exposing the whole universe to JavaScript. This way, JavaScript wouldn't need to iterate over the whole universe when rendering, only the relevant subset. The trade off is that this delta-based design is slightly more difficult to implement.